4 Types of Epoxy Coatings You Should be Aware of

Epoxy flooring is considered an ideal option because it entails an interesting substance that offers a lot of benefits. Selecting the ideal coating at Deco Polymer commercial flooring is determined on the basis of what purpose you want to use it for. In order to make an informed decision, you need to learn the types of epoxy coatings available in the market.

  1. Polyamide cured epoxies

Polyamide cured epoxies are not as safe to be used as a flooring option but it does entail an impressive resistance to corrosions and abrasions. They also bear a brittle texture.

  1. Polyamide epoxies

Although, they sound very similar to polyamide cured epoxies, they are quite different from it. Polyamide epoxies bear an advantage of being resistant to factors like moisture, weather, and bases. But, they also bear poor chalk resistance and moderate acid resistance. They are ideal when you are involved in a project that entails surface recoating and using it as a primer for adhesion or attempting to enhance resistance to corrosion.

  1. Novolac epoxies

If you are working in a space that will face high heat or exposure to chemicals like your furnace area, then novolac epoxies are what you are looking for. They need heat application in order to set, but sometimes it can fix the room temperature too.

  1. Phenolic epoxies

This kind of epoxy is helpful in creating a chemical proof layer to cans and drum liners. They are not meant for residential projects.

Get in touch with us

Certainly, you don’t have to make this decision alone. We are happy to help you to choose one in order to make an informed decision. A trained expert will show you the ropes the brands available at various price points and assist you in building a successful strategy for your project. There are so many options available to choose from, hence, you need to consult an expert so as to save you time and money. If you are seeking someone to coat a floor or protect it from water pipe, then you need to select the correct epoxy coating. Getting acquainted with various types of epoxies can help you in narrowing your option down and keep the errors at bay. You don’t need to be a professional to make your home look superb, here is why you need to hire a professional to look after all these aspects.